Sunday, May 18, 2014

Review: Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Dark Circle Eraser

I'm sorry I haven't had any reviews for the past couple of weeks. Things have been crazy around here. Between finals week at school and attending friends' graduations, the time I have had to myself, I haven't felt like blogging. I've been too tired and too brain dead. I have also managed to get a job for the summer, and that has been keeping me busy as well. But I'm here to do a review on a much talked about product!

This product has been out for a while now, and I'm not sure why I haven't reviewed before now. It's very popular in the beauty world right now, and a lot of people seem to really like it.

Image taken from Maybelline's website!

Friday, May 2, 2014

My Current Skin Care Routine

Skin care is something that I am extremely lazy about, if I'm going to be completely honest. I've never struggled with any type of skin problems, but I do believe in maintaining a routine to keep up healthy skin. It's especially important for people my age to start and stick with a skincare routine if you want youthful looking skin to last (though I do have my own opinions about that...anyways...).

So here is what I currently use on my face divided by category. This is going to be a text heavy post, but I hope you will find it useful!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Review: Simple brand Moisturizing Facial Wash

Sorry for the weird text coloring! I copy/pasted something from simple's website, and I can't get the colors to go back to the way they're supposed to be, so I had to work around that. Hopefully you can still read it! 

Before I jump in: I like the idea of doing reviews on Wednesdays, so maybe that will become a thing? Hmm....

Anyways, the review! 

I always hesitate to review or discuss skincare. It's one of the most difficult things to review because no two skins are alike. That being said, I couldn't help but want to review this product because I love it so much. 

Before I continue, I will tell you my skin type. I have normal skin with a tendency to have an oilier nose and a dry forehead and chin. My skin is not very sensitive, and I don't struggle with acne. I get occasional zits as a result of the environment, stress, hormones, or if I ate something particularly not good for me that day. 

I will also state that my close friend tried this same face wash and it broke her out pretty badly. She has very oily skin and mild acne. So keep that in mind! 

Photo from Walmart's website! 

On to the full review! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Review: Aussie 3-Minute Miracle Conditioner in Moist

There are A LOT of leave-in deep conditioners on the market from a variety of price ranges and brands. I've had a hard time figuring out which one to use. I didn't want to purchase something and hate it. Who wants to waste money like that?

Aussie is a brand with A LOT of hair care products to offer. Lots of shampoos, conditioners, and styling products. I've never dabbled in the Aussie brand before now, but I decided to give it a shot for their deep conditioner based off of a review I saw on YouTube. I have 2 of them-- Strength and Moist. This review is for the Moist (which is a word I LOATHE, but it will be all over this review unfortunately).

Image taken from Walmart website as my own bottle is not attractive enough to showcase in this post after some serious use.

On to the review!

Re-Launching My Blog!

It has been a while since I have been on here. Time has gotten away from me; however, I am relaunching this blog as of tonight.

I will have posts at least once a week all beauty related! I will be reviewing all kinds of products -- hair, makeup, shower products, hygiene products (e.g., toothpaste, whitening systems), etc. I am still in college, and I am still working out my posting schedule, so I don't want to set an exact day of the week when my posts will be out, but my goal is to post at least once a week a product review or tip!

I am not deleting my previous review/tip posts as I think they will be a nice foundation for the relaunch; however, a lot has changed since this blog originally was created! Firstly, I am no longer on YouTube and have removed my YouTube videos as well as any social networking attached to it (e.g., Twitter and Instagram). I am choosing to keep everything about my life personal except what I post on here.

I look forward to running this blog again, and I look forward to interacting with any visitors! Please feel free to poke around this blog. New posts will begin sometime this week!

Thank you so much for visiting, and I look forward to getting back into this!
