Monday, April 21, 2014

Review: Aussie 3-Minute Miracle Conditioner in Moist

There are A LOT of leave-in deep conditioners on the market from a variety of price ranges and brands. I've had a hard time figuring out which one to use. I didn't want to purchase something and hate it. Who wants to waste money like that?

Aussie is a brand with A LOT of hair care products to offer. Lots of shampoos, conditioners, and styling products. I've never dabbled in the Aussie brand before now, but I decided to give it a shot for their deep conditioner based off of a review I saw on YouTube. I have 2 of them-- Strength and Moist. This review is for the Moist (which is a word I LOATHE, but it will be all over this review unfortunately).

Image taken from Walmart website as my own bottle is not attractive enough to showcase in this post after some serious use.

On to the review!

I was INCREDIBLY surprised by this! The YouTuber I got this from is a reliable source from what I've seen, but our hair is VERY different. I wanted to give it a shot anyway, and I fell in love!

First, let me cover the basics: My hair is moderately thick, straight, and it goes a few inches past my shoulders. The texture of my hair is what I would refer to as "normal." I don't know much about hair terminology, so forgive me if I'm not referencing it correctly. I don't have many split ends, the texture is mostly smooth, but a little brittle feeling. Not TERRIBLE, but it's been feeling a little dry and flat. I don't do much heat styling-- occasionally I will straighten or curl my hair, usually once or twice a week. I don't dye my hair anymore, but I used to which is probably where the dry feeling is coming from.

I've used about half of this product so far. I use it every time I wash my hair-- usually 4 times a week, sometimes more. The direction say to leave it in for 3 minutes, but I always leave it in a little longer. This is the routine I follow: I shampoo my hair and then use my regular matching conditioner, rinsing both out thoroughly. Then I add the Aussie deep conditioner to my hair starting at mid-ear and smoothing into my hair all the way to the ends. I then tie my hair into a bun and leave it while I use my body wash, shave, wash my face, etc. Usually around 5 minutes later, I rinse it out. I never blow dry my hair (I usually shower at night, so it seems pointless to use heat when I'll just style it differently in the morning anyway), and I just use my flat paddle brush and after shower products (I can go into detail about that later, and I KNOW, brushing your hair after a shower is bad and blahblahblah, but I've been doing it my whole life, and my hair is still healthy).

 By the time my hair is completely dry, my hair feels AMAZING thanks to this conditioner. It is SO soft, smooth, and my hair doesn't tangle as easily as it does with just a regular shampoo/conditioner routine. I make sure to not change up my hair care routine when using new products so that I know if something is actually working, and trust me, this works! It feels like bunny rabbit fur, and I am in love! It's quite possibly my new favorite hair product, and it's so cheap! The only reason I won't give this a 10/10 is because I have not tried any other products similar to this before, and I want to leave some wiggle room in case I find something in the future that works 10/10 in comparison, if that makes sense.

Aussie has an entire line of these deep conditioners to meet your individual hair care needs. These are the ones I am aware of: Smooth, Strength, Moist, Color, Shine. They have matching regular shampoo/conditioner with each one so that you can do a 3-step system if you choose. I currently use a volumizing shampoo/conditioner, so I can comfortably say that these conditioners work great on their own!

I am very happy that I purchased this product! I hope this review was helpful. If you've tried this deep conditioner, let me know in the comments how it worked for you (be sure to let me know what kind of hair you have!). If you've used any other kind of similar product, feel free to discuss that as well! I'm currently curious about the Garnier Damage Eraser hair butter (the new product in the orange tub). I may try that after I use up my Aussie, but I may not. Why switch products with something is working so well for my needs? Hmm...I'll have to see!

Thanks for reading!

Price: Ranging from $3-$5 USD depending on what store
Place to buy: Pretty much everywhere you can think of! I got mine at Walmart, but I know they sell them at drug stores, some grocery stores, online beauty stores, Aussie's website, Target, etc.
Rating: 9/10

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