Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Review: Simple brand Moisturizing Facial Wash

Sorry for the weird text coloring! I copy/pasted something from simple's website, and I can't get the colors to go back to the way they're supposed to be, so I had to work around that. Hopefully you can still read it! 

Before I jump in: I like the idea of doing reviews on Wednesdays, so maybe that will become a thing? Hmm....

Anyways, the review! 

I always hesitate to review or discuss skincare. It's one of the most difficult things to review because no two skins are alike. That being said, I couldn't help but want to review this product because I love it so much. 

Before I continue, I will tell you my skin type. I have normal skin with a tendency to have an oilier nose and a dry forehead and chin. My skin is not very sensitive, and I don't struggle with acne. I get occasional zits as a result of the environment, stress, hormones, or if I ate something particularly not good for me that day. 

I will also state that my close friend tried this same face wash and it broke her out pretty badly. She has very oily skin and mild acne. So keep that in mind! 

Photo from Walmart's website! 

On to the full review! 

This is my first product from this skincare line, and it is currently the only product I own. I decided to try it on a whim while I was at Walgreens a couple months ago. I live in the mountains where winters are pretty harsh, and my skin was not having a good time. I wanted a face wash that would be gentle on my skin and moisturize it. I had heard of this brand before, and I decided to give it a shot! It was relatively inexpensive, and I liked that they did not use artificial fragrances or chemicals. claims this for this particular face wash: "Simple Moisturizing Facial Wash gently cleanses while helping to maintain a healthy skin barrier by hydrating and nourishing skin. Our gentle formula is suitable even for sensitive skin."

Simple has an entire skincare line full of all kinds of different products. If you have sensitive skin, I would recommend looking into this brand since their claim to fame (so to speak) is sensitive skin skincare. 

This product has a nice formula. It's a somewhat translucent gel (it has a whiteish tint to it) that smooths very easily onto the skin. It doesn't really foam, and it doesn't have a scent that I can detect. I use this product at night and in the shower. I have to say that it really does what it claims it will do. My skin feels so incredibly soft after using this face wash. It's smooth to the touch, and when I'm using it, it's very soothing. It has not broken me out or irritated my skin in any way. It doesn't make my skin any oilier in problem regions. 

Overall, I have to say, this is one of the best decisions I made for myself in the last couple of months. My skin feels so much better after using this. I don't even feel the need to follow up this routine with toner or moisturizer (I usually stick to that stuff in the morning with a different face wash). When I do use my moisturizer (I use the Garnier Moisture Rescue gel which is an absolute holy grail product for me), I wake up with skin that you could honestly just curl up in. I know that sounds weird, but having soft skin is one of those things that I absolutely have to have for myself. It's worked beautifully for the cold months. Now let's see how it performs in the warmer months. I don't anticipate any differences, but since my skin won't be as dry, it could make my skin oilier. I don't know yet. Perhaps I will update at the end of the summer? 

Price: $6-$8USD
Where to buy: I have seen this practically everywhere. I got mine at Walmart, but I have also seen this at Target, Walgreens, CVS. I'm also fairly certain some grocery stores carry this, specifically Harris Teeter and Food Lion. 
Rating: 10/10

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