Monday, April 21, 2014

Re-Launching My Blog!

It has been a while since I have been on here. Time has gotten away from me; however, I am relaunching this blog as of tonight.

I will have posts at least once a week all beauty related! I will be reviewing all kinds of products -- hair, makeup, shower products, hygiene products (e.g., toothpaste, whitening systems), etc. I am still in college, and I am still working out my posting schedule, so I don't want to set an exact day of the week when my posts will be out, but my goal is to post at least once a week a product review or tip!

I am not deleting my previous review/tip posts as I think they will be a nice foundation for the relaunch; however, a lot has changed since this blog originally was created! Firstly, I am no longer on YouTube and have removed my YouTube videos as well as any social networking attached to it (e.g., Twitter and Instagram). I am choosing to keep everything about my life personal except what I post on here.

I look forward to running this blog again, and I look forward to interacting with any visitors! Please feel free to poke around this blog. New posts will begin sometime this week!

Thank you so much for visiting, and I look forward to getting back into this!


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